19 April 2012

Sniperspy – Monitor Your PC From Anywhere

 I am going to tell you about A keyloger That does not require troubles and it automatically installs on the required system.  SniperSpy is software ideal for anyone who wants to monitor their distant PC from any location. It will tell you exactly what your teenager or employee is doing online – no matter how close or far away they are.

SniperSpy is remotely-deployable spy software. This type of computer program records the activities of anyone who uses your remote PC. The software can be installed using the Internet by sending an email attachment which contains a module.When the module is ran by your child or employee, the software installs onto your remote PC. It records an array of Internet activities which you’ll be able to view in real time. It also allows you to view the full screen and perform control commands.
When you want to view the screen or browse the logged results, simply login to the Online Control Panel from anywhere and enter your username and password. This panel allows you to view the screen, perform commands, view/search the logs or uninstall the software.
Module Creator
This is the program you will download to create your remote “module”.
Online Control Panel
This is where you will login to your account to see the recorded results.
This high-tech spy software will allow you to see exactly what happens on your remote PC while you are away.


Unlike any other remote monitoring software, SniperSpy gives you the power to view graphical representations of data captured and a medium-quality jpg picture of the screen however often you wish. The screenshot is shrunk to fit your screen, or you can zoom in at full size to read the text. Store up to 100 of these screenshots inside your account. More storage options are available for a small fee.
Actual Screenshots
Captures a full-size jpg picture of the active window however often you wish.
Websites Visited
Records all website URLs visited in Internet Explorer and Firefox with page title.
Keystrokes in Most Languages
Every keystroke typed into ANY window is logged, including passwords typed.
Physical Location Mapping
Logs the IP at each upload to show you physical locations of the PC on a map.
Full Chat Conversations
Records BOTH sides of chats / IMs in Google Talk, Yahoo IM, Windows Live and more.
Applications Executed
Records every application executed by your child or employee including full path and username.
File / Folder Changes
Each time a file or folder changes, the software records the action and the full path.


In addition to logging like other keyloggers , sniperspy can also be used as a hacking tool , as it can travel across emails as attachments and the user may not get to know about the logs being sent from his computer. Also as soon as the module is opened by the victim, the keylogger silently gets installed in his/her pc , so u can send the module from anywhere by logging in your online control panel.Even you can uninstall the tool from anywhere from your online control panel.
Remotely Deployable
Allows you to install the software from any location using a simple file you create.
Locally Deployable
You can still install to a local computer. Simply run the exe module locally.
Optional Remote User Alert
You select whether or not the remote user will be reminded they are being monitored.
Remote System Information
Retrieves system info such as CPU class, memory status, operating system, more.
Top Ten Report Graphs
Displays graphs of the most accessed URLs, applications, web searches and more.
Log Viewing Enhancements
SniperSpy breaks logs into pages with thumbnails and gives easy checkbox selection.
Searchable Logs
Worried about specific keywords? Type them into the search to search ALL logs!
User Filter
Log viewing screens can show results from all users or results from a specific user.
Remote Uninstall
When your project ends you can uninstall through the Online Control Panel.

This keylogger is not available for free , because you have to register at the official site in order to access there online control panel.  Buy the full version of sniperspy for just $79.97 and enjoy one year of full control over the control panel and monitor and control any pc around the globe. For more details regarding the software please visit their official site (click here).
*All the above informations are only for educational purpose , and we are not resposible for any misuse of the tool. Try at your own risk. :)


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.