21 April 2012
Make a web hosting page
You have to sign up on a web hosting site like Byethsot or webhosting.com . I prefer byethost.com.
Go to byethost.com and click on free hosting or paid hosting ( free hosting is better)

Enter your details like username password email ID to sign up.

you have signed up go to your Email ID like yahoo , G mail , Hotmail
etc . You will receive an Email from byethost for confirmation . Click
on the link in email to confirm.

new tab will open . Enter the captcha to continue . After a while you
will receive another Email containing you Account details like Username ,
Password site url etc. Now go to control panel i.e cpanel.byethost.com
and log in to your byethost account:

Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.