19 April 2012
How To a create Fake Shutdown virus
Well ,we all like to play small pranks on our friends or relatives. What if , when your friend or relative clicks on the game they play or software they use pops up a messge saying “your computer is infected by virus” and then their computer shutdowns. They would really get scared, i loved playing this prank on my friends. Also you can even use this trick to create a shutdown virus. First, i will teach you how to create a shutdown shortcut that can be used to prank your friends.Later, I will teach you how to use this as a mini virus.

2. Type in the windows that appears: shutdown -s -t 60 -c “Virus Detection. Computer is shutting down.” Instead of 60 you can put what value you want. It represents the time in seconds. And also between quotes you can put what message you desire.

3. Click Next and type Internet Explorer. You can write whatever you want.

4. You will have a program like this on your desktop.

5. We need to change its icon to look like Internet Explorer. Right click on it and choose Properties.

6. Go to Shortcut ->Change Icon.

7. You can find the icon in the ones available or go to C:/Program Files/ Internet Explorer and select the icon from there.

8. After the icon is selected press Open.

9. The ‘virus’ will look like Internet Explorer.

10. And when you open it the computer will be closed in 60 seconds or whatever value you chosed.

11. The only way to stop the computer from shutting down is to go to Start->Run and type shutdown -a, and press Enter

voila ! you are done , now whenever you friend or victim opens the shutdown shortcut their computer gets automatically shutdown , poping the message you wanted to show, Only you know how to stop it now. ;)
How to Make fake shutdown Virus a real threat to operating system
1) Create a fake virus from the above given method and change the time to 00 or 01 seconds .Eg:- shutdown -s -t 00 -c “Virus Detection. Computer is shutting down.”
2) copy the made fake shutdown virus and go to –>start –> Programes
3) right click on –> startup and click on –> open

4) now paste the fake shutdown virus there.
All is done. Now whenever you restart your computer , you won’t be able to open it again in normal mode . Don’t try this at ur computer . College or School computer is the safest one. heheeeeeee !!!! ;) so this is how you can make a small prank into a real threat to computer.
Remember that this is just for educational purposes only and you should not harm computers and their functionality. If you need any help regarding this post, please dont hesitate to ask us.

Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.