26 April 2012
Top 10 Adsense alternative for Bloggers
Now Re applying to the previous job is not a good idea. Waiting for other six months and booking a new domain and reapplying is another idea but too long.
So, if you don’t want waiting for adsense cheque as the only income source then try to blend different adsense alternatives in your blog so that they may fully support you, once adsense debar you from its coveted network. If you will look closely famous bloggers have adsense as just 15-20% of their income share.
Now , no more fooling around and i will tell you how you can diverse your blog income source to feel safe and stop waiting for Courier boy.
1) Affinity – Affinity is the fastest growing and by far the most comparable revenue source as compared to adsense. This is in text advertisement which attach its elf to the texts in your web pages and shows relevants ads.
2). BuySellAds -
BuySellAds are one of the biggest and and one of the best adsense alternative. BuySellAds was founded by Todd Garland 2 years ago and is now used by one of the biggest and best blogs like search engine journal and websites like dynamicdrive. The process is simple. Just define the sizes of the banner ads you want to sell and set a price of it in terns of monthly rental. Once someone buys your ad space , you will have the option to approve or reject it. Buysellads keeps 25% of commission and gives you the rest of it. The payment options are paypal and i think that is great, as it gives you the option to withdraw your income directly to your bank account.
3) .InfoLinks -
Infolinks are programs which are good for bloggers as they don’t want extra space on your blog and just get inserted inside the texts, but they may become annoying for users as they are a bit distracting. But at least they are related to the content and hence more chances to get clicked is always there. The payment methods are paypal, direct transfer in your bank account or a prepaid mastercard offered by them with which you can fulfill the needs of your demanding wife and can swap it in a jewelery shop.
4). Kontera -Kontera is another contextual advertising option which may pay you for your visitor annoyance. The payouts of Kontera are quite affective and its preferred over infolinks also. No extra space needed and easy to install kontera is yet another step towards decreasing your dependence from Google Adsense.
5). Affiliate Programs – Choosing affiliate programs are another option to earn income from your blog. Many a time affiliate programs can give you Ultra high revenue incomparable to adsense or any other advertising programs. But you should choose those affiliate programs which are related to your blog. There is no chance a user will sign up for a hosting account reading an article about health.
6). Write Reviews - Writing sponsored review on your blog is yet another option but works only when you become a blog with some decent traffic. The rate per paid review may be set by you depending upon the blog popularity. For example JohnChow charges $500 for a review which is quite high. You may put a banner or a page in your blog to tell your visitor about this option , some of which may become interested in getting a review and click the “pay now” button of PayPal.
If you are finding it difficult to get reviews then you may join some websites and get reviews work. Some of the websites who will pay you for writing reviews are -
- Blogsvertise.com
- Reviewme.com
- Sponsoredreviews.com
- Smorty.com
8). Bidvertiser – Bidvertiser will sell your ad space by bidding and will make sure that highest bidder gets a chance to show ads on your blog. Even if your total earning is $10 , they will send your payments to paypal which is quite good. Because its not like Adbrite whose half of earnings comes form leftout payments of poor bloggers around the world who can’t meet there payout limit and they show empty banner with zero income showing ADBRITE with the largest possible font size.
9) Donate Now button -Its the most cheapest method till now and i don’t know if it works or not. A person become so emotional after reading your article that he decided to give you a charity seems a bleak chance, but if you decide on it then atleast mail , whether it worked or not. I also will try it out.
10 .) Shut Down – If none of them are working and your Google adsense payouts are also low and you are still living in insecurity then Close your blog and join an organisation. May be blogging is not for you or it may be for you , but you are not psycho enough to give it a push that it may push you up in life.
Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.