19 April 2012
Computer PC basics: Windows 7 tutorials, tips and tricks
Problem Steps Recorder
Unlike the previous versions of windows
the windows 7 user interface is designed to really help out users.
Windows 7 is very user friendly, and this small yet powerful as well as
useful software in windows 7 called Problem Steps Recorder (PSR) is an
addition to the pack. Sometimes you end up in a big error pool and you
just don’t have a clear idea to describe it. Well not anymore, PSR for
windows 7 has literally solved that problem.
To access PSR just click start and on the run/search box type PSR and press enter. A box pops up which looks similar to your sound recorder. Just click the record button
and PSR automatically records every single user click, key press and
activity within. PSR also takes screenshots and notes on what all
activities the user engaged in while the error occurred and saves it as a
MHTML file. And all you have to do is sent the file to a professional
or to a friend who happens to know a lot about computers and all. PSR is
very fast and easy to use because of its simple user interface and now
you can say good bye to hours of troubleshoot browsing.
System Repair And Troubleshoot
All computer users know that at some
point there is a chance of running into OS boot problems and it is best
to create a system repair disc. Well to create a system repair disc in
windows 7 all you have to do is
Click Start -> Control panel -> Backup & Restore
Now by the left side you can create a
system repair disc. Click on it, choose a drive and click create disc.
There you go, a windows 7 system repair disc in no time, for those who
might hit a bad luck.
If the windows 7 system files are undergoing some problem and you don’t know for sure what is going on, just click on
Start -> Control Panel-> Troubleshooting
this panel you will be able to see a lot of options which will fix the
problem it is related to automatically. Usual windows errors which are
small and commonly happen are easily fixed by the system itself.
Burning ISO images
Burning images such as iso images have
never been easier. Many other operating systems had already had this
feature and windows 7 have also adapted this as a new feature. All you
have to do is insert a blank disc into the disc drive and double click
on the iso image file. The operating system will pop up a box which
allows you to write the image right away into the blank disc. Just
select the CD/DVD drive and you are done.
Pin Programs
Windows 7 has come up with a new feature
which allows you to pin your frequently used or favorite programs on to
the task bar. All you have to do is run the program and right click the
program icon on the task bar and click on “pin this program to
taskbar”. And there you go.
Shortcut keys on keyboard
There are many shortcut keys on keyboard
which you should be aware of when you use windows 7 to access
everything fast and easy. Some of the keyboard shortcut keys are
displayed below.
Whenever it says ‘Win’, the key referred to is the ‘WINDOWS KEY’ found between your Ctrl key and Alt key.
Alt + Tab – Brings up
the quick program access dock. Press the Tab key to change the program
you want to access with the Alt key pressed down.
Win + Tab – Brings up the slide view access docks. Press Tab key to change the program you want to access with the Alt key pressed down.
Win + Left Arrow – Moves the current window to the left side of the screen.
Win + Right Arrow – Moves the current window to the right side of the screen.
Win + M – Minimizes all the windows.
Win + Up Arrow – Maximize current window.
Win + Down Arrow – Minimize or Restore current window.
Win + Home – Minimizes or Restores all the windows except the current or active window.
Win + L – Locks the screen
Ctrl + shift + Right Click
– It allows you to run any program with full administrator rights. All
you have to do is right click a program with both the ctrl and shift
keys pressed down in the task bar and clik on either Run as different
user or Run as Administrator.
Win + Alt + ‘#’ – Here
‘#’ is any number from 1 to 10. Use this combination as a shortcut key
to access the jump list of the program number ‘#’(the number you
pressed), in the task bar.
Creating Custom Windows Shortcut Keys –Windows 7 lets you create custom shortcut keys on keyboard for any program in the system. All you have to do is :
- Right click a program.
- Click on ‘shortcut’ tab.
- In the shortcut area enter the combination you want and Click ok.
That’s all to it. Now you have your own custom shortcut keys on keyboard for your program.
Shift + Right Click –This shortcut key combination allows you to open command prompt windows in any folder you want. All you have to do is ‘Right click’ a folder with the ‘shift key’ pressed down. In the menu you will be able to see ‘Open command Window here’ option. Either click this option or press ‘W’ to open command prompt window in that folder.
This shortcut key also opens the expanded sent to menu.
This shortcut key also opens the expanded sent to menu.
Shift + Right click a folder and hover mouse over the sent to option and you will be able to see the windows 7 expanded sent to menu.
So all these are some of the basic pc windows 7 shortcut keys on keyboard you should be aware of.
Clear Type Text Tuner
clear type text tuner feature of windows 7 allows you to choose the
best quality text appearance for your LCD monitor and its very effective
as well. To activate the clear type text tuner all you have to do is :
- Click Start
- Type cttune.exe in the Run area and press Enter.
- Choose the best text quality that suits you.
That’s all to it and CT Tune automatically reconfigures your text quality and properties.
Search online from the start menu
7 lets you search online right from your start menu with your default
browser. To enable this feature all you have to do is :
- Click Start
- Type ‘GPEDIT.MSC ’ in the Run area to start the Local Group policy editor.
- In the right panel Click on ‘User Configuration ’.
- Double Click on ‘Administrative Templates ’.
- Double Click on ‘ Start Menu and Taskbar ‘
- Right Click on ‘ Add Search Internet Link To Start Menu ‘
- Click Edit and click on enable and click ok.
That’s all to it. Now you can browse the internet from your own start menu fast and easy.
Increase Thumbnail View Speed
In windows 7 when you hover the mouse
over the programs in the task bar which are open, a thumbnail appears
showing the number of windows or a single window. It is very useful in
grouping and viewing. But the time it takes to load the thumbnail seems
to be a bit slow for most windows users. To increase the speed of the
thumbnail pop up all you have to do is:
- Click Start
- Type Regedit.exe in the Run area and press enter.
- In the panel on the left side.
- Click on Control Panel
- Click on Mouse
- Double Click on Mouse Hover Time in the Right Panel.
- Reduce the default set value from 400 to 150
- close the registry editor.
Warning: – Now
the speed of thumbnail view will increase to a standard level but
reducing it below 150 may result in a registry error and cause problems.
So make sure you keep it at 150 to get the best result.
Lock Screen Shortcut File – Single Click Lock Screen Button
To create a lock screen file all you have to do is
- Right click on Desktop
- Click New and Click Shortcut
- In Type Location of the item add: rundll32.exe , user32.dll , LockWorkStation
- Now choose a name you like, usually Quick Lock or Lock Me or something like that.
- Now Double Click to Lock the Screen. To add more to it Right click on it and choose properties.
- Now click on change icon.
- Type shell32.dll
- Choose an icon you like.
- Click ok and Drag it to the taskbar and pin it to the taskbar.
- Delete the desktop shortcut.
- Now all you have to do to lock the screen is a single mouse click on the lock icon.
There you go. Your own single click lock screen button.
Adding Check Boxes to select files
In the new windows 7 a useful feature of
selecting the files through check boxes has been added. In this method
you will be able to see check boxes when you hover your mouse over a
file and to select it all you have to do is check the box. And you don’t
have to press the ctrl key down to select multiple files. All you need
is the single click of the mouse to select multiple files. To do that
you need:
- Go to My documents
- Click on Organize
- Click on Folder and search options
- Click on View Tab
- Scroll down and check on Use check boxes to select items
Now you will have checkboxes on your items when you hover your mouse over them or click them.
To disable just go back to the same menu and uncheck the use check boxes to select items option.
Shake to Minimize
The window 7 features a lot of new
things but not something this fun to do. When the desktop is all
cluttered and you just want to keep your active window and minimize all
the other windows, all you have to do is:
- Click and hold the window you want to keep.
- Now shake that window back and forth quickly.
All the other windows will now minimize. To restore all those windows back just
- Click and hold and shake again.

Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.