15 April 2012
Remove/Disable/Deactivate/Delete Facebook Timeline
FaceBook Timeline was introduced to provide new interface to user’s profile. According to FaceBook Officials "Timeline is the new FaceBook profile. Tell your life story through photos, friendships and personal milestones like graduating or traveling to new places" but soon after the announcement of officially release FaceBook Timeline. Many user applied For Timeline but soon they realized the timeline was not that they were looking for the reason why soon user start looking an alternative to remove FaceBook Timeline because FaceBook is not allowing its user to remove Timeline manually. Many tricks are available on internet regarding How to remove/Deactivate/Disable Timeline but all of them either blocked by FaceBook or they are not working properly.
Remember: This trick will only disable timeline for you. If any one else will visit your profile it will continue to show timeline until she/he also applied this trick.

How To Remove FaceBook Timeline:
1. To remove FaceBook Timeline we use a browser plug-in which works in all browsers. To download the plug-in go to www.TimeLineRemove.com/.
2. Now after visiting the website download and install the plug-in according to your browser.This plugin Supports Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer.
3. Now after installing the plug-in restart your browser.
4. Now after restarting your browser go to your profile or any ones profile which has previously setup timeline for their profile and you will see profile is back to normal in old style.
How To Get the FaceBook Timeline Back:
If you want to get the Timeline Back simply go to your browsers setting Extensions/Plug-in and delete or disable the plug-in named Remove Time Line and restart your browser and visit your profile and it will appear as Timeline.
That’s how it works don’t worry this plug-in is approved from FaceBook it will not effect your FaceBook Account Pease and Blessings Guys.

Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.