15 April 2012

Using Auto Emoticons Chat With Your Facebook Friends

Facebook chat now can be more customizable using some auto emoticons.

It can give you more fun and short cut options for expressing your mood.

You know its about code but currently i have found another good solution for sending facebook emotics while chatting automatically.

At present it can be used only firefox and google chrome only. So i hope from now you will not looking for clumsy emoticons code for facebook chat.

Here's how to do it on firefox :
First of you need to install Greasemonkey  add ons on your browser from this link.
Restart FireFox

Now go to this link 

Install button click
Now you are done.
Go to facebook.com sign in with your id and password and start chat  with your facebook friends like this below picture:

Have fun with facebook emoticons.


  • Facebook
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  • Google Buzz
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  • Delicious
  • Digg
  • Technorati
Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.