17 June 2012

Protect your PC from Virus

When ever you insert a flash drive/pen drive to your pc you may be notified with a auto-run window of the Pen drive. Ifyou're suspicious on the Pen drive then merely press cancel and follow these directions to delete the autorun.inf virus.
  1. Open the command Prompt by typing cmd in the RUN.
  2. Enter cd\ and press enter to go to the root directory of your System.
  3. Type “attrib -h -r -s autorun. inf” and Hit Enter. This will search for the autorun.inf file from that drive.
  4. Type “del autorun. inf” and press enter to delete the autorun.inf file
  5. To do this same thing for other drives type cls and press enter. Now type “d:” or any other drive which includes your USB drive.
  6. And follow earlier mentioned steps.
“Avast” is the free and Powerful antivirus which might also handle this autorun.inf issue expeditiously.


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.