28 April 2012

Watch 3D videos on YouTube Convert YouTube Videos Into 3D

Yeah, you read that right, now you can enjoy 3D videos on YouTube and can convert videos into 3D too.
Creating a 3D videos on YouTube is not everyone’s forte, but with YouTube, it’s just a cakewalk. Recently(last year), YouTube launched a new feature which allows users to edit videos using the YouTube video editor. And it is due to the help of that recent addition, using which we can convert YouTube videos into 3D videos. So lets zoom in and go the 3D way.
So lets check out some 3D videos on YouTube and how to identify one. It’s easy, just search the big giant video portal and you are just a click away.

Know If A Video on YouTube Is 3D Or Not?

I’m sure you might be missing this thing, that there are 3D videos on YouTube too. So lets find one. Make sure you are using a modern web browser(Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera) to check out 3D YouTube videos.
3d youtube videos
  • Best would be to modify your search queries to search some 3D YouTube videos.
  • Or, check for the small 3D icon in the right corner of the YouTube video player. If it’s there, the video is 3D, else not.
  • Click on the 3D icon to explore some more features including Red/Cyan, Turn Off 3D, Swap(right-left), Full color, Optimized, Grayscale and more.
  • Red-Cyan offers some more color combination which can be used to alter the color combination of the 3D YouTube videos, plus if you don’t want to use glasses to watch 3D videos, you can choose No 3D glasses to enjoy the 3D videos on YouTube. But, I would recommend you to have a 3D glasses to enjoy the same.
  • Turn Off 3D allows you to toggle between 3D and 2D YouTube video views.
  • Swap(Right-left) separates the two version of the color combination being used, taking away the 3D functionality.
  • Full color option allows users to watch YouTube videos in Full color.
  • Optimized view provides a better 3D video quality, but make sure you are well off with a high-speed internet connection to enjoy the same.
  • Grayscale allows users to view the 3D YouTube video in black-white color transition.
  • To be frank, you need to have 3D glasses or specs to enjoy 3D YouTube videos to the fullest, else you’ll curse the quality of the 3D YouTube video quality.
Now lets jump over how you can create 3D YouTube videos just by using the YouTube video editor and no other highly paid tools.

How To Create A 3D video on YouTube

convert youtube videos into 3d
  • First of all, login to your YouTube account.
  • Move over to your Channel, followed by the YouTube video editor.  Choose to edit one of your video. Click on Edit Info. Then, at the extreme end, choose 3D Video option.
  • Under the “Select 3D video type”, choose “Please make this video 3D”.
  • Click on Save Changes and you are done.
  • 2D to 3D YouTube video conversion takes time(may be few hours), so check out your video in few hours. You can choose to disable the same, if you didn’t like the 3D version of your YouTube videos.
For enjoyment, you can check out some of these already existing 3D YouTube channels and can enjoy 3D YouTube videos without having to create one of your own.

Some 3D YouTube Channels You Can Enjoy

  • www.youtube.com/user/3D, there you can find lots of 3D YouTube videos related to different niche. Rest you can customize your searches a bit by using the search queries.
  • Use this phrase before your keyword, “yt3d:enable=true” so the actual search query becomes “yt3d:enable=true Technology
  • Just make sure the videos you are searching or viewing are 3D in nature. You can confirm that by following the short tutorial above.

So that’s how you can enjoy 3D videos ov YouTube or can create one. Do let us know how you feel about the same.


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.