11 April 2012

Unlock hidden Windows 7 Themes

                         You can use Any of the following trick to unlock themes.                  

1st Trick-

Go to this location in your computer.you will not find this location so copy this and paste in address bar in top of window.


2nd Trick-

Some themes you can unlock yourself! The Windows 7 beta has some hidden & locked themes that were created for countries all over the world (Australia, Canada, Great Britain, United States and South Africa).

Actually it’s pretty easy to unlock them.

1. Simply open the Explorer (Windows + E) and goto C:\Windows\winsxs

2. Enter *.theme into the search field. If you have problems to type *, use the * sign on the number block.

3. Now it should look like this: Click me!

4. Double-click the themes ZA, US, GB, CA, AU to install them.

5. Now, you have unlocked 5 cool themes.


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.