26 April 2012

Gaming Mouse Razer Naga Hex

Razer Naga Hex Gaming Mouse Is best gadget for Gamers who take their frags and RTS strategies seriously.
Special switches are used in the construction of the Razer Naga Hex’s buttons, where they are able to withstand up to 250 clicks per minute – if you average that out, it amounts to slightly more than 4 clicks a second. Fret not about hyper-clicking though, as the Razer Naga Hex is said to be good for up to a whopping 10 million clicks – that translates to 40,000 minutes, which leads us to 666 hours if you decide to break it down further – now that is a whole lot of clicks (and a diabolical number to boot), so chances are you would settle for a new mouse long before the Naga Hex bites the proverbial dust.
Nice to know the asking price for the Razer Naga Hex gaming mouse is not that high either at just $79.99.

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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.