“These are the shortcut keys you can use in Internet explorer and also some of them comes handy in other Browsers as well.”
Some keys are version specific**
Shortcut Type :
Their Description :
Double click (On a word)
Word will be selected
Triple click
Selects the entire line
Wheel click
Smooth scrolling
Ctrl + Scroll Wheel forward
Increase font size
Ctrl + Scroll Wheel backward
Decrease font size
Keyboard shortcuts :
Shortcut Keys :
Their Description :
Toggle on-off search panel in window
Pull down the address bar.
Refreshes current page.
Move focus on address bar.
Toggle on/off full-screen mode of the window
Alt + Left Arrow
Go back on history. Same as Backspace
Alt + Right Arrow
Go forward in history
Ctrl + A
Select All text
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + C
Copy Selected text
Ctrl + E
Search panel
Ctrl + F
Find (To search text inside page)
Ctrl + H
Toggle History panel
Ctrl + I
Toggle Favourites panel.
Ctrl + L
Opens a File. Same as Ctrl+O
Ctrl + N
Open New window.
Ctrl + P
Print current page or frame.
Ctrl + R
Refresh. Same as F5
Stop (Stops the loading page Immediately).
Ctrl + Enter
Auto completes a URL address. For example, type Tech World in the address bar and press CTRL + ENTER to get http://www.techaworld.in(Try once)
Ctrl + D
Add the current page to favourites. Press it now and add us.