14 April 2012

How to Hide a file on Mobile Phone

hide file in phone 

Okay, I think you are getting impatient to know about “How to Hide a File in Mobile Phones” so that others cannot access them easily from your Phone. So , I will schedule the talk (about the second thing which made me Thank our Visitors) to Tomorrows posting and will redirect you now to the main topic.
Actually this quoted question in the above sentence wasn’t been through my mind till some one by name “Rocky Michael- From US” placed a Query from our “Ask me!” section which We have placed before 2 days in our website(You too can ask us about anything from our “ASK ME!” menu). His question Was “How to hide a video from my Smart Phone”. As soon as I read his mail, I made up my mind to write about this.
“How to hide a file in your Phone?”
How to Hide a file in Mobile PhoneHiding a file means, changing its attribute to “Hidden”. Once if you change the attribution of a file, It will not be visible unless your browser (say windows explorer, or File manager in Phones or any source which presents the file in its format to you) setting is made to show hidden files and folders in it.
Almost 95% Phones do not allow its users to change the attribute setting of a file, Also they never will come up with an option to change its file manager settings as “View hidden files and folders”.
So once if you change the “Attributes” of a file to Hidden, they are not accessible from your Phone’s ‘Image Viewer’, ‘Video player’,’ music player’ or even from a pre-installed file manager.
How to Hide a file in Mobile Phone
But changing the attribute of a file from a Phone is the big deal you are going to hang on with,
Doesn’t worry, if basic Phone file manager do not support you to hide a file, Some other Third party file managers do support this option.
There is a freeware from which you can do this., It is “x-plore” !
You can download this anywhere from the internet , You can also search from our “Custom Google search” or “Special Google section” for easy availability as we have limited the search results by this Google search engine for purely related topics we use to talk about In our Blog.
You can also ask me to send a copy by placing a request in our “ASK ME!” section. We will send you a copy to your Email Address .
“Procedure to hide file in X-Plore Software”
How to Hide a file in Mobile Phone
  1. Download and Install X-Plore to your Phone.
  2. Go to ‘Menu’ of the x-plore software
  3. Select tools from the menu i.e. menu>tools>configuration
  4. Go to configuration and select ‘Show Hidden files’
  5. Now to hide a file (image, video, doc, mp3, etc) find it inside x-plore
  6. Open the menu again and go to ‘Attributes’
  7. Change the option to hidden
  8. Now dis-select the option “Show hidden files” from menu>tools>configuration.
  9. And keep your Files secure.
Note: You can also use other Pay and use or free software to hide a file, But this is the most simple and easy Procedure.


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.