17 June 2012

How To Do Better Browsing With Low Internet Speed ?

Browsing the internet faster is one of the wishes of all internet users. There is no one on earth that will tell you that he’s satisfied with the type of connection which most ISP’s produces (for their consumers) these days. It is very slow and it makes no sense especially when you want to do a task that requires high rate of data transmission.That is what make me write this article to show you ways to enjoy fast internet even with the current internet access you are using now without stress.

Broadband internet connection is one of the best internet connection method for a while now due to the level of speed it offers. But do you know that with a broadband internet connection, even with the fastest speed it have, you can still browse the internet at a very low speed! It sounds somehow uninteresting to you, right? I think it will. This article will be showing you what can cause a broadband internet to slow down and ways of browsing the internet even with a slow internet connection.

Many things can increase the speed of your internet connection and some of them are the tips I’m going to share with you below:

Load Multiple Tabs when necessary and not often

If you want to get the best form of internet connection, the best advice I will give you is to avoid loading multiple tabs of browsers and with that, you can experience fast speed access to the net.

Add-ons should be avoided

Some browser addons are made for additional functionality to your computer and browser and most of these addons needs an internet connection to function and that is why you need to disable some of the ones that is not neccessary on your computer. Browser addons can decrease your connection speed and make you have slow internet access all through.

Download what you need

There is different from wants and needs, right. What you need is a fast speed internet and not a slow speed access, so also do you need some softwares on your computer to functions well. So, make sure that you don’t confuse wants and needs together. Only download useful files with your internet connection and make sure that you always keep track of your download

Avoid Heavy Graphic oriented Websites

Some websites have a lot of information (contents) on them that is very heavy for your internet bandwidth. Make sure that you don’t visit websites that will consume mosts of your internet connection bandwidth with their media contents. Any site that is full of images, video files and some others are to be avoided for better result in browsing.

Use Google website trimming service here to make websites loads faster and lighter for bandwidth management. Don’t play with your internet connection bandwidth because it will affect you a lot if you don’t do that.

Thanks for reading this post, hope all these steps do help you a lot and I believe by using it, you can save yourself of internet connection worries.


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.