14 April 2012

Convert files using VLC player

vlc1 How to convert files using VLC player?    
Looking at the very famous icon any layman can tell its VLC player. VLC player i.e Video
Lan Client media player is and easy to use and free player that supports almost all video and audio formats that Windows media player even cant think about it in its dreams. With such easy to use,low memory consumption,interface that a layman can also be able to operate with easy, no doubt its the best player in the world
But rather hardly few people know that apart from playing almost all the possible files extension VLC player can also convert files from one format to another, Now a question arise that why would you opt for VLC? when lots and lots of other professional conversion software’s like Total video converter,Xilisoft and all are there?
The answer to this question is,when in urgency you don’t have any of those installed VLC player is an Handy option to do so

So now lets bounce off on the procedure how to do it :-
  • But obviously just install VLC player first,if you don’t have one installed just grab a copy of this VLC player from here.
  • Now launch VLC player,from ICON or the start menu
  • Now press CLTR+R, a new window like the one below will pop up.
vlc2 How to convert files using VLC player?
  • Now in this window, Click on ADD and select the source fle which you want to convert ,then now click on Browse and select the folder where you want your converted file to land down in.
  • The windows will be opened to the same folder where your file to be converted is present.
vlc3 How to convert files using VLC player?
  • Now In file name tab, select the name of the file, but here you need to manually use the extension, So after the name enter .(and your extension) now click on save.
vlc4 How to convert files using VLC player?
  • Now select the profiel in which you want to convert the file in VLC player and click on strat, and the process will begin and converting will be done with ease.
So simple and so easy to convert files rather than extanl 3rd party application, the VLC player handles this task also very smootlhy and efficentaly as it does to file formats….


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.