14 April 2012

Best Way to Fix the Corrupted file in Windows XP

windows xp
Intro :
If any of your PC’s file gets corrupted , your PC stars to act like a mad dog!
Yes thats sure. It is also unhealthy to use a computer which have files corrupted from one or other reasons.
One more thing, Do not quit reading this post thinking that you need not worry of this as your PC is healthy for now.
What if your PC suddenly gets hanged and if your PC do not allow you to connect it to internet?
Thats the reason for why told you to read this post even if your PC is healthy now. This may be handy someday.

Ok, Let me tell you “how to Fix corrupted files in Windows XP now”
Best way to Fix the Corrupted file in Windows XP->Put the Windows XP CD into CD drive
->Then go to Run
->Type-  ” sfc/scannow ” (without “s)
->Press enter
This will fix your corrupted files in XP automatically.
This is done by a simple copy paste of the original file from Cd to its respective location in your PC
If important file gets corrupted which is useful while booting this is what you have to go on with.
Best way to Fix the Corrupted file in Windows XP
If it wont star automatically At first open repair option  (by pressing R), just move further as you do to install. When it shows you that Windows XP is already installed, then select repair option. So just repair it, this won’t affect any of your installed softwares.
NOTE: The only problem with this is that You may lose the updated files that is done from windows update.Which is not a Big deal instead.


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.