11 September 2012

Change ip Address in Every Second

anonyoms change ip

This trick will illuminate you on a method using which you can change your ip address in every 10 seconds.

This change in IP address would help you to surf anonymously over the internet without any kind of restriction based on country ,number of view or any other factor.

Change of IP address can be easily done with the help of a free software named as Elite Proxy server

Just go to the following website and download one for yourself


Now that you have this software . Let me tell me some of its features

Elite Proxy Switcher (Latest version: 1.19)

Overview: Elite Proxy Switcher can help you to visit the blocked websites and protect your Internet privacy.
How it works: Elite Proxy Switcher changes your IP using a proxy so that the website regards the proxy's IP as your IP. Thus your real IP is hidden.
Introduction: Elite Proxy Switcher (EPS) is a proxy software to test and use the proxy list. It can test the details (speed, anonymity, country and whether gateway, ssl/https, dangerous or codeen) of the http proxy and change the proxy settings of your browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome).

Elite Proxy Switcher Main Features
Proxy Checker: professionally test the details of the proxies.
Proxy Switcher: quickly change the proxy settings of the browsers.
Proxy Downloader: get daily fresh proxy lists by just one click.
Proxy Manager: easily maintain your personal proxy list.

Elite Proxy Switcher Screenshot

[Click here for more screenshots]

Just use this software now and surf anonymously.

NOTE: Don't use this to do illegal activities.


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Author: Deepak
Deepak Rana is the CEO and Founder of Technofers. He is a young Blogger from India.